Monday, April 5, 2010


Broccolini--what is that?  This was my first reaction when I saw a package in the produce section.

As it turns out, Broccolini is a cross between broccoli (no surprise) and Chinese kale (this was a surprise), both of which appear on lists of Super Foods.

Broccolini's long, thin stalks are not woody, like broccoli and asparagus, and are completely edible.  A 3 oz. serving, about 8 stalks, has 35 calories and offers 130% of a day's worth of vitamin C, 30% of vitamin A, 8% of potassium, 6% of calcium and 4% of iron.

Nutrition Action Healthletter suggests sauteeing broccolini with sliced garlic and a little oil form a bottle of sun-dried tomatoes then topping with some chopped sun-dried tomatoes.  It can also be roasted and steamed.

The vegetable is also known as baby broccoli and asparation.

Source:  Nutrition Action Healtletter, November 2009, p. 16.

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